Sunday, January 23, 2011

From 2010 to 2011

Wrapping up the Fall semester in 2010 was very eventful. While working on regular Anthropology classes, I worked on a student documentary film (currently in post production) with Joe Bolinger and worked for Rob Lemkin on the follow-up documentary to the award winning film "Enemies of the People".(Please view the following address for awards list: This event was absolutely historic, involving a video conference between Cambodian refugees here in the United State and their confrontation of key members of the Khmer Rouge.

In the spirit of my 2010 semester excitement, I am continuing the roll. I have an amazing but very full class schedule from Artifact Analysis to Geographic Cartography. Also, on Thursday, January 27, the City of Long Beach will be conducting the "Everyone Counts" 2011 homeless Count operated out of the Multi-Service Center (MSC) which is an annual event required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to conduct a street and service homeless count. My volunteer shift starts at 7am (there is an earlier shift, but not enough coffee was going to do it for me!) My map segment will be one of 47 and will be assigned the morning of the count. I am looking forward to absorbing as much as I possibly can, and creating some favorable connections for a current film proposal. This sounds like a great way to kick off the new year and Spring semester. Not too shabby for my first week of classes.

Wish me luck!